My Project Plan
Finally! Let’s get into the nitty-gritty about what I’m about to do for the next six months. The plan is in constant flux (which is why it took me so long to get my bearings and map my goals out), especially during COVID-19, so changes to this plan are to be expected. But I’m extremely excited about this project and cannot wait to see everything the team will accomplish!
Introduction: Water scarcity & livelihoods
The region
Standing proudly in southern Rajasthan, the district of Rajsamand is famous for marble mining and is a primary supplier for marble throughout India and the world. This has led to significant groundwater extraction for the marble cleaning and cutting process. In addition, marble waste is dumped back into the water, resulting in pollution of drinking water sources and agricultural lands. While toxic, the marble industry is also the primary source of formal employment in the region.
The farmers
Farmers here have historically grown wheat and corn, which are commodities with low prices. In the last five years, Seva Mandir has been introducing floriculture and horticulture, namely marigolds and broccoli, in an effort to boost income.
Farmers in the last few years have been giving up agricultural practices due to water scarcity and livelihood opportunities in the marble industry.
There is huge interest in pesticide-free and fertilizer-free farming from the locals but those from underprivileged backgrounds have trouble accessing the resources they need to actualize this.
The problem
Traditional water sources, such as the Gomti River and underground aquifers, no longer provide enough water to meet the needs of the villagers; the Gomti River’s flow has slowed and underground aquifers have been blocked by an increasing amount of marble mines. Both have led to decreased groundwater water recharge over the years, leading to water scarcity.
In addition, groundwater is being extracted at alarming rates and, because of abandonment of traditional water conservation systems, is not being recharged enough during the monsoon season. This has been affecting all water bodies, and by extension, livelihoods. Meanwhile, water pollution from the marble industry is adding onto water scarcity in the region, leading to a lack of clean drinking water.
This intense water scarcity is affecting the livelihoods of local farmers, who are no longer able to farm on their land due to the lack of water. While Seva Mandir has introduced several floriculture interventions, such as encouraging farmers to grow marigolds and roses, there is plenty of opportunity to grow crops that require very little water but are still highly profitable to contribute to farmers' livelihoods.
The organization
Seva Mandir's projects to enhance livelihoods of farmers are women-centric and focus on three components: jal (water), jungle (community forests and pasturelands), and jameen (the land and farms themselves).
To address the water scarcity of this region, Seva Mandir has been desilting and deepening local water bodies, as well as constructing dykes and check dams on rivers, to slow the flow of water and recharge the groundwater, which in turn will recharge the wells that provide the water for agricultural and domestic use.
To address the livelihoods in this region, Seva Mandir has floricultural and horticultural interventions that aim to increase farmers' income. Currently, the crops that are encouraged are marigolds, roses, and broccoli, which theoretically yield high prices but farmers have had trouble finding the right market linkages and establishing transportation logistics to more profitable markets such as Delhi or Pune.
Meeting in Parwat Kheri
Meeting with the residents and elders of Parwat Kheri, which currently has no water and dried-up rivers, to decide an action plan
Mission & Vision
The mission:
The mission of this project is to address the plaguing the water scarcity in the Rajsamand region to improve the livelihoods of farmers and provide economic stability for the most vulnerable in the region.
The vision:
The vision is improved water management systems on the village and panchayat levels, as well as floricultural interventions appropriate for a water-scarce region to increase farmers' revenue.
Panchayat Action Plan
A cross-village meeting to discuss what needs to be done at the panchayat level to conserve water
Harvesting rainwater
A billboard outlining how villagers can construct underground structures and tanks near their homes to harvest rainwater
Saving water at home
A paraworker named Sita and me, standing next to a billaboard that shows how villagers can save water at home
The youth
Teenage boys watch as we paint our billboards. Watching the youth see our marketing and discuss water in their communities was easily the most fulfilling part of painting 40 of these billboards across 20 villages
The Project
Construct what we need
Repair water structures to more effectively harvest rainfall and recharge community's water sources
Deepening and desilting will ensure that water bodies that are currently overflowing will be able to capture more rainfall. Slowing the flow of rivers will ensure better recharge of groundwater and underground aquifers, which then recharge wells and other water sources.
Conserve what we have
Improve local agricultural practices to use less water and more efficiently irrigate farmlands
Raise awareness in community to manage water in households
Raising awareness across villages will help with water conservation. Given that agriculture is the primary expenditure of water in this region, working with farmers to reduce their water usage will be a key component in raising awareness.
Change what we grow
Introduce water-efficient crops to revitalize farming in the area and improve livelihoods
Joining the Aroma Mission government scheme will allow villagers who have not been able to farm due to water scarcity reestablish revenue streams from their land in a water-efficient manner.
Chronicle everything
Document indigenous technical knowledge of water management
There will be a digital archive storing history and stories.
Geophysics survey
Conducting a geophysics survey in Dhanji Ka Khera to understand the rock and soil makeup. This will help us understand how the underground aquifers in this region work and if the groundwater recharge work we’re doing will help.
Expected deliverables by the end of my project:
3-7 lakes desilted
1 river modified
20 farmers with ponds constructed on their farms
20 farmers with increased water efficiency + using jeevamrit
20 farmers growing more water efficient crops
1 distillation plant to create value-added products
1 academic paper on groundwater in the area
Internal database + digital exhibition of water stories
Increased awareness of water conservation
Desilting in Devdo Ka Khera
Talking to a resident of Devdo Ka Khera to understand how a local lake harvests rainwater. The resident notes that the lake overflows during the monsoon season (indicating loss of good rainwater) so we will be deepening and desilting this lake. The dirt we remove will be provided to local farmers to use in their farms.
It is my hope that this project will have lasting impact in the water conservation of the villages it is taking place in and, through water conservation, better the lives of the residents who so eagerly are looking for some hope. It is also my hope that this project will foster work across caste and class lines in these communities to provide much needed livelihood improvement for all.
Tulsiram Suthar + Sunita Jain, Domain Mentors. A heart-felt, sincere thank you to my mentors and gurus for teaching me about topics I have no idea about and for being so kind and generous.
Prabhu Lal Meena + Gayatri Chouhan, Local Facilitators. My local mentors who I have the pleasure of working with everyday. Thank you so much for your endless patience and support.
Shankar Singh Chadana, Block Coordinator. A mighty shout-out for taking me under your wing and being a guide.
Nikhitha Jagadeesh, Co-Fellow. Cannot say thank you enough for introducing me to the Aroma Mission and being such a wonderful human being.